Monday, April 13, 2009

But darling you still gambled every thing you gave. . .

Between a food blog and a popular ephemera blog I've twisted and turned about what to do in this blog space. The concept of this blog is fabulous but uncharted so I'm going to post about live music in Portland and disappoint you with my use of adjectives.

Saw Melissa Nadler tonight. She's a good singer/song writer from Boston. I listened to her a few years ago cause she wrote this song about Daisy and Violet, the infamous conjoined twins who appeared in the movie 'Freaks' and bagged groceries at a store in Charlotte that my Grandmother frequented. True story. Fitzgerald met them in Hollywood and puked on site not due to shock but a hangover. I like Marissa's song "Bird On Your Grave". This is my first post about live music so I'm gun shy but next time I'll go all the way and provide links and shit.

1 comment:

Don't Talk About Me Like I'm Not Here said...

I'm glad you're posting multiple places so i can keep up with you. I hear you about this blog and not knowing what to put up... It hasn't worked quite the way I forsaw. Ah, well.