Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Be careful what you apply for. . .

So I applied for some job in Portland in January and the employer called for a phone interview. After the interview I didn't hear anything from them for three weeks so I figured the soft "r's" I used to cover up my southern accent had backfired. But NO, they called last week and requested a video conference interview. This is a picture of a university conference room in Portland from a corporate conference room in Greensboro. I think the interview went well but talking to a room full of people drinking their morning coffee after I've finished lunch is a little strange. . .and to be completely honest I feel a little queasy about the entire ordeal.
- E.K.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Future Nostalgia

+ =

a scent combination that, if ever encountered again, will remind me of walking through Kimbark Plaza in Hyde Park.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Waves of Mutilation

My ipod played a Disband song on shuffle and threw me into waves of nostalgia that have momentarily overwhelmed me. Remeberances of sweaty rocknroll and beer-filled basements. Dancing, petty grievances, late night bars, rivers and tubes and bbqs. Egad, man. I wanna swim and dance and hug my friends. Can I trade back some responsibility for some fun?


Thursday, February 5, 2009

I am very brave.

I just signed my voluntary severance package - my ticket out of the office chair that hurts my tail bone every day. As I stood up to leave my signing meeting the Human Resource manager told me that I was very brave. She looked me dead in eyes and said, "Well Emily, you sure are brave." and I burst into laughter that shot straight from my gut. I don't think it takes a lot of courage to leave a situation that totally SUCKS. Brave? ::snorts and scoffs::

I've added some links to blogs that I read and enjoy enough to visit again. . . and one link to another blog that I write. I'll add some more and you should too! Sarah, can you think any blogs about music that don't suck? I can't. You know what else? I'm going to add some embarrassing fashion blogs. Additionally, when I set this blog up I thought I'd use blogspot because I already have a blog on wordpress and I guess I thought I should play the field of blogging. Big mistake. Wordpress kicks blogger's ass.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

4 Ways to Stay Warm in Real Winter

1. Eat

You don't need to buy a new down-filled coat if you're able to build one out of your own blubber. Plus, eating is delicious. If you really wanna pack on the pounds, eat your meat and carbs, my friends. I did that by going to the Meatloaf Bakery and getting one of their meatloaf cupcakes. Yep, that's meatloaf with mashed potato "icing."

2. Cuddl Duds

I'm not sure what leaving off the "e" accomplishes, but these long underwear protect my delicate legs from the the evil bite of wind-chilled jeans.

3. Drink

Take your pick of your personal favorite drink - hot toddy, cocoa with a splash of brandy, spiked spiced cider, mulled wine, scotch & water, whatev. mmm... feels warm in the belly.

4. Exercise

You're eating and drinking so much, fatty, that you're gonna look like the Michelin Man when you put on your actual down-filled coat. Move it, move it.

I just found out that with my cable I have a sweet, free On-Demand station for fitness videos. I choose between a whole buncha popular workouts and do them in the comfort and warmth of my living room. I like The Biggest Loser CardioMax even though I've never seen the show.
