Saturday, January 3, 2009

collecting time

Though I always hate the pressure of New Year's Eve, I like the turning of the year. School suits me well because terms end and begin afresh. This is the time when I collect and list and collate all that I let loose in the previous year. If I have it on a list, I've captured it and think it will be done.

I did swell in my classes last term, but I didn't do a heckuva lot else. I wrote on a piece of paper that I will try to schedule time to do things besides school in the coming term. I will leave Hyde Park.

I had a list of things that Eryn and I were going to do when she was visiting me for New Year's Eve. When she got the flu and couldn't visit me, I mostly stayed home like I had the sympathy flu. I wasn't off to a great start, but I redeemed myself today by going to Intuit, Chicago's outsider art museum. It was wee tiny compared to Baltimore's Visionary Art Museum, but it was free and got me out of my apartment.

I will be mighty fine in oh-nine.


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