Friday, January 30, 2009

Tell me about your fiscal shelter.

Hello Sarah, Caroline, Amy and the invisible Eryn - I'd like to hear about your experiences with the economy that we are told is failing. Do you feel the pinch in graduate school? Amy, what do who have to say about the future of print media? What the hell is happening in Louisville? Feed my head people, I need input.

- Emily


Don't Talk About Me Like I'm Not Here said...
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Don't Talk About Me Like I'm Not Here said...

As each term rolls around, I hope that my reimbursement check is waiting for me. This term, they split it in two so I didn't get it all at once which was a little scary when I got my first check and was like "holy crapola! i can't live on this for four months!" My current budgeting strategy is that I take out my weekly budget in cash each Sunday and use that for the week. Having physically finite dollars has made me be more thoughtful in my spending.
